Statement of the vision of Hemp Hemp Hooray! by Paul Gaylon
As president of Herbal Products & Development, I have been interested in exploring the benefits of industrial hemp for sometime. We introduced an extra virgin, 1st-pressed, non-sterilized hemp seed oil from Chile a number of years ago. I integrated hemp seed oil into a 7-oil blend (Supreme 7). Other formulations, include Hemp Coco Maca chocolates (hulled hemp seeds) and hemp oil skin care. These have nicely dovetailed with my development of nutritional products for the nutritional supplement market.
I served as director of the “Spring into Hemp” Santa Cruz Industrial Hemp Expo March 21 & 22, 1998. A tremendously successful event, the expo drew over 6,500 people, and included a hemp house, a hemp fashion show, hemp foods, over 40 well-known speakers versed in all aspects of industrial hemp, and 85 vendors representing hemp businesses of every kind. Many people supported and helped shape it to a successful vision. It was during the expo that I and Hemp Hemp Hooray videographer/director L.B. Johnson realized the importance of capturing video footage of this ground-breaking extravaganza for industrial hemp. The concept of presenting industrial hemp and all of it’s potential expanded through my contacts from other expos, and from culling video footage of hemp production from around the world.
Hemp Hemp Hooray was produced with the intention of joining forces with all who wish to see a thriving hemp industry. It presents in a lively, informative way the multitude of possibilities that rediscovered industrial hemp has, and perhaps will do its part in changing the paradigm of economic and industrial thought that has financially gridlocked the U.S. In so many ways, hemp is healthy for the economy. I believe the video will give one that same sense of excitement and enthusiasm that we experienced. I hope you like it.