Unified Community.info is continually developing by providing new links and information. Website sources came through weekly publications, Internet searches, from festivals and events, and word of mouth recommendations. It became quite an extensive editing process of choosing which sites were appropriate for the intention behind Unified Community.
A concept like this never rests. There are always changes (the only constant) and certainly always new ideas flowing. Many informational searches led to late night sessions over the rainbow or down the rabbit hole. The overall look and design of a site, whether links were offered to other sites, and content, content, content, were the most important markers. Some sites had a particular type of information that I thought would be useful. I wanted to organize topics from local, regional, state, national, and international sources to illustrate the concept of varying scales of scope and involvement.
Unified Community can grow indefinitely as a reference knowledge base. The site should broaden all perspectives, illustrating the many creative solutions others have found to various issues and questions. The will and the ability to act with positive vision inspires each of us to creative places within ourselves. Thus, we give back to others, our communities, and ultimately as global is local…the whole world.
Believe me, I am aware of the multitude of global problems and environmental degradation going on that we all face. I, however, must focus on positive solutions. So here they are, and here you are.
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