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‘Biofuels’ Links:
Agrifuels A Biodiesel Company
(San Luis Obispo, CA)
The Solar Fuel, university links, types of fuel
American Hydrogen Association
(Portland, OR & international)
Promoting the Use of Clean Energy
Berkeley Biodiesel Collective
(Berkeley, CA)
Educational resource on local/regional biodiesel, project of the Ecology Center
BESS: Biofuel Energy Systems Simulator
Biobased plastics
(Greenpeace, UK)
PVC Alternatives Database, Building the Future
Biobased Solutions
(Chesterfield, MO)
Soy biobased products, lubricants, resources, newsletter
Biodiesel Institute
(from Hong Kong to Cape Town overland)
Interactive, educational biodiesel adventure – Soil & Health, Farming, Organic Gardens, COmposting, Earthworming, Mycorrhiza, Energy and Summary of book
Biodiesel Magazine
(Grand Forks, ND)
Much info for the emerging biodiesel industry
Biodiesel Now
(clearinghouse site, U.S. & Canada)
Clean, Renewable & Farm Grown Fuel
Biodiesel – America’s Advanced Biofuel
(Hollywood, CA)
Biodiesel basics, resources, news, policy, production, videos
California Biodiesel Alliance
Non-profit trade association promoting the use of biodiesel in California
(Germany & international)
Pioneer of vegetable oil technology, 20 Years w/ SVO & Conversion Kits
Ethanol Producer Magazine
Trade publication on biofuels & ethanol industry
Federal Environmental Executive
(Washington, DC)
Promoting sustainable environmental stewardship
Fuel and Fiber Company
(CA & international)
Tim Castleman’s site, advancing a carbohydrate economy, updates
Green Energy Network
Sustainable and cleaner alternative fuel source.
Resources, links, organizations, Flex-Fuel vehicles, studios.
International Institute for Ecological Agriculture
(Santa Cruz, CA)
Promoting ethanol fuel, permaculture, sustainability, agricultural education – David Blume (also
BlumeDistillation offers high grades of bioethanol & biorefinery equipment
Whiskey Hill Farms grows innovative, organically grown specialty crops
Joint BioEnergy Institute
(San Francisco Bay Area, USA)
Developing of the next generation of biofuels.
Liquid Sun
San Francisco, Ca
Local action supporting alcohol fuel development and deployment
Connecting people to turn ideas into action; resources on alcohol fuel
Make Your Own Fuel
(Boulder, CO)
Articles, technology, ethanol for fuel cells, diagrams, good overview
Making Fuel from Plastics
Self-Sufficient family makes fuel from plastics
on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua, video, 2 min
Parts Geek
(CA, New Jersey)
Biofuel information and parts resource.
Peswiki – Pure Energy Systems
Finding & facilitating breakthroughs on clean, energy technology
PES Network – videos fostering, promoting cutting-edge, clean energy technologies
Prime Biosolutions
Prism Solar Technologies
(Stone Ridge, NY)
Hologram Imaged Transparent Medium, focus on cell to create electricity
SeQuential Biofuels
(Portland, Oregon & throughout the state)
A cleaner burning fuel made from vegetable oil
The Green Station
(Santa Cruz, CA)
Fueling Tomorrow…Today Educational, news & events
The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Institute
Portal for clean energy & fuel cells, index, articles, information
Tobacco Aviation Biofuel
Project Solaris–Tobacco aviation biofuel ready after 25 years of R&D
(Rochester Hills, MI)
Energy & information-solar, hydrogen storage, fuel cells, optical scanners, etc.
Yokayo Biofuels
(Ukiah /Northern CA to international)
Biodiesel co. well linked w/ sites, gov., state, university, engine & properties