Link Categories

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‘Holistic Health/Herbology’ Links:
A Place to Heal
You tube channel dedicated to natural healing through raw foods, herbs, homeopathic remedies
Gateway to Chinese medicine, health, and wellness.
The Trusted Herbal Anti-Aging Site
Good international botanical descriptions
AleKemi Spagyric products
Basic concepts about Spagyric products from AleKemi
Alternative Medicine
Health and nutrition articles, health tips, feature stories, conditions spotlight
Recipes, newsletter…
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
(Washington, DC)
News and info on naturopathic medicine, doctors, and practitioners
American Herbalists Guild
An Association of Herbal Practitioners
Non-profit educational organization representing herbalists
Ask Dr Mao
The Natural Health Search Engine, best-selling author, Q&A, blog, books
Fill out form to ask Dr. Mao a question
Australian Naturopathic Network
(Australia, International)
Great links for all types of health info. Site maps, books.
Baseline of Health Foundation
Health articles, blog, and daily tips; founded by Jon Barron
Topics include food, nutraceuticals, detoxification, weight loss, anti-aging
Baseline of Health Foundation website
Bernard Jensen International
(San Marcos, CA)
Nutrition, iridology, wholistic health
Brightside Ben
Information and Videos on Holistic Health
Burzynski Clinic
Innovative, cutting edge cancer treatment – tomorrow’s treatment today
Sophisticated cancer care using a personalized & targeted therapy approach
Business of Herbs
(Silver Spring, PA)
The Herb Growing & Marketing Network, articles, helpful info
California School of Herbal Studies
Community based herbal education on an 80 acre sanctuary – classes, walks, events
Chinen Salt Helps Manage Diabetes?
The article provides an overview of Chinen salt and its purported benefits
Published on
Chiropractor Dr Schlierling’s Blog
Blog with extensive health articles from Chiropractor Dr Russell Schlierling
Chris Kresser Health Solutions
Functional Medicine, Health Solutions Library, Blog
Chris Kresser is an educator, clinician, M.S., L.Ac
Christopher Hobbs, Virtual Herbalist
Honoring the plants, spirit & tradition of herbal medicine
A Correspondence Course by Christopher Hobbs, L. Ac., A.H.G
Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights
Watchdog investigating and exposing psychiatric human rights violations
Carrying the torch for human rights in the field of health for 40 years
High-quality, current synthesized research evidence on healthcare issues
Library of information to help people make informed health care decisions
Delicious Obsessions
Health & Wellness articles for living a vibrant, sustainable life
Health articles, recipes, videos, large coconut oil subsection
Disease in Reverse
The latest on cutting edge detox and healing methods
from well-renowned doctors & health experts
—Docuseries hosted by medical journalist and influencer, Jonathan Otto
(Hamlin, NY)
Doris Wrapp, M.D.
(Scottsdale, AZ)
Pioneer in the field of environmental medicine and allergies.
Dr Mandell’s Self Healing Videos
Natural and safe healing techniques to help the body repair itself
Dr Mandell’s Self-Healing Videos
1 drop (Oregano) Cleanses Lungs, Reduces Mucus, Improves Airflow, 5 min
2 Minutes Each Morning Awakens Your Nervous System
Dr Randy’s Holistic Health
Holistic, body/mind/spirit perspective on care and preventative medicine
Dr Sircus – International Medical Veritas
Allopathic & naturopathic medicine – a rshift in medical thought & practice – medical articles, world reports, cancer compendium
Dr Todd Caldecott health links
Accumulated by Dr. Todd Caldecott – good, non-commercial links
Herbal & Chinese medicine, Homeopathy, Aruyveda, Nutrition, more
Dr Wong’s Natural Health – Totality of Being
Dr. Carolyn Dean
(Berkeley, CA)
Medical Doctor and Naturopath—”Doctor of the Future”
Blog and Radio Show on Achieve Radio
Carolyn Dean’s YouTube channel
Dr. Esselstyn’s Heart Disease Program
Information on preventing and reversing heart disease
Articles, video, books, cookbooks, FAQ,
Dr. Jack Kruse
A “conversation in progress” by neurosurgeon and optimal health educator
Blog, Podcasts, Webinars, Forum, video on using the resources on the site
Dr. Matthias Rath
Responsibility for a healthy world. Truthful health discussion issues.
Dr. Murray Natural Living
Dr. Michael Murray, author of Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine
East West School of Herbology
(Santa Cruz, CA)
Courses in planetary herbalism, links, case studies
The Internet’s Resource on Medicinal Herbs
biochemical,uses, formulas directory, newsletter, herbal medicinals, nutrition
Ethnobotanist Dr. James Duke
Scientist, educator, writer on using plants for food, medicine, and fuel
Dr Duke’s Phytochemical & Ethnobotanical Database
Reductionist’s Rant: Principles of Spice Therapy
Jim & Peggy Duke’s Green Pharmacy—the spirit of nature in healing
Explores the biology, cultural history, health benefits of medicinal plants
Medicinal plants, ethnobotany, palliative care, reviews
Independent and unbiased encyclopedia on nutrition and supplementation.–Over 41,000 references, search by supplement, class, topic
Flower Essence Services
Dual Certified Organic and Demeter Biodynamic. Small, locally-owned.
Fluoride Action Network
Coalition to broaden public awareness about the toxicity of fluoride
Fluoride officially classified as a Neurotoxin from the Lancet Medical Journal
posted on the website
Foot Reflexology – A Step by Step Guide
Foot Reflexology Guide with images and videos
From In5d – Esoteric, Metaphysical, Spiritual Database
Foundation for Alternative & Integrative Medicine
Researches & identifies complementary & alternative healthcare therapies aims to create a revolution in worldwide healthcare
Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions
(Bangalor, India)
Center for traditional Indian health care.
Foundations of Herbalism
Correspondence course with Christopher Hobbs, herb walks
Fully Live Academy
Dr. David Martin’s online courses taught worldwide. Topics include Integral Foundations, Integral Accounting, Integral Asset Management
Gernot Katzer spice pages.
Info on 117spices, pictures of India.
Ginger: health herb
Global Healing Center Blog
Blog on health, nutrition, and fitness topics & news; TV and radio interviews
Gluten Free Society
Gluten-free recipes, blog, doctors, info, tutorials, encouragement
Largest open-access medical database – Education equals empowerment
Grow Network
Natural health and living articles and information
Articles include making your own fertilizer and natural antibiotic alternatives
Heal Naturally
Cutting edge natural health research & information, and original articles.
Promotes responsible publications & educational material–
Healing Food Reference
(Montpelier, VT, USA)
Mike Adams’ reference guide to healing foods and health conditions.
Information that empowers;
Healing with Whole Foods – Paul Pitchford
From “Healing with Whole Foods” by Paul Pitchford
Published on the DailyOm website
Health Alkemy
(Santa Cruz, CA)
Craig Lane, certified nutritionist and health detective
Practical guidance, care, support to optimal health,
Health Blog, Dr. John Bergman DC
Chiropractor, Holistic Doctor, & Researcher
Health Videos to increase awareness and knowledge
The Dietary and Lifestyle Changes Necessary for Optimal Health, 77 min
Health Freedom Alliance
Nutritional Information, bulletins, and information on current events.
HealthBenefits Times
Health information site focusing on alternative medicine and natural foods
Mission is to arm readers with knowledge of herbs and food nutrition
Open, objective info on all facets of physical and mental health Health and Wellness library, newsletters, apps, podcasts, communities
Healthwise Clinical Nutrition Blog
Blog by Dr. Mark Flannery, DC, MS, BS, FAAIM, DCBCN, DCCN, CNS
Many health and healthy living topics; monthly newsletter
Henriette’s Herbal
Great site, scholarly. Information, links, old books.\
Herb Reference/Natural News
Promotes health & empower consumers w/ info on healing powers of foods
Natural Health News & Scientific discoveries
Herb Research Foundation International
Herb Society of America
(Kirtland, OH)
Links to various regions, projects, gardens, collections, seed exchanges
Herb Wisdom
Good overall health focus, good source for herb info
Herba Polonica Journal
Institute of Natural Fibres & Medicinal Plants
Publishes scientific articles quarterly about all aspects of medicinal plants
Herbal Cure India
Extensive information about Indian herbs
Herbal Gram Magazine / American Botanical Council
(Austin, TX)
Educational resources, books, event calendar, herbal monographs
Herbal Monographs
Profile of herbs in alphabetical order by John Milich
Information includes active constituents, conditions & uses, dosage
Herbal Remedies Info
Good, general information on health conditions.
Herbal Therapeutics
(New Jersey International)
David Winston. Books, articles, library, classes, good clinical.
Get information on herbs, treatment and read health articles.
Herbalista Health Network
Atlanta, Georgia
Protects health access through clinic services and education
Building Community through Herbalism–clinic, workshops, resources, events
Interactive herbal database provides access to scientific data on herbs
List and links to all clinical studies done on 20 popular herbs
Herbnet – for Everything Herbal
Info on herbs, remedies, products, publications, marketing at
Herbal Green Pages —The Herb Growing & Marketing Network
Herbal Repertory and Materia Medica — “Make Life Healthy”
Database of the most common herbs and diseases —
Herbs Info
Learn all about herbs, home remedies, and natural health
Categories include herbs, herbal remedies, natural beauty, & general health
Herbs of Mexico
Quality Herbal and Traditional Mexican Products
Hernandez Center Alternative Cancer Treatments
Mountain View, CA
Compassionate, personal cancer care with wide-ranging expertise
Restoring and maintaining health and well-being through proven and safe treatment strategies.
High Intensity Health
Extensive Podcasts, Articles, Recipes, E-Courses on various health topics also has an online store
Holistic Web Directory & Holistic Network Exchange
(worldwide resources)
Helping People Get Healthy, Links & articles
Health education database, Assorted information on vitamins and minerals.
Institute for Natural Medicine
Whole patient care, diet, lifestyle, gentle treatments for health and wellness
Articles, events, news, patient stories, community resources
Institute for Traditional Medicine
(Portland, OR)
Founded by Subhuti Dharmananda
Dedicated to Chinese, Tibetan & Indian traditional medical systems
It’s All in the Palm of your Hand
Palm-reading, Reflexology, Pressure point stress relief
Joseph Mercola, writer for Townsend Letters
(Chicago, IL)
Optimal Wellness Center, Take Control of Your Health website and podcasts
Let Food Be Thy Medicine
EAT THIS to Heal the Body and Starve Cancer, Dr. William Li
on Dr. Rangan Chatterjee’s YouTube channel, 161 min
LifeSeasons ingredients
Information on herbs and other natural supplements
Linus Pauling Institute
Corvalis, Oregon
Researches how vitamins, minerals, & phytochemicals affect health & aging
Part of the University of Oregon’s Research Centers and Institutes
Living Proof Institute
Offers tools to address health issues and restore health and vitality
Showcases benefits of functional medicine combined with lifestyle changes
Site is all about the mangosteen fruit, good info.
(Boulder, CO)
herbal medicine, links, resources
North American Institute of Medical Herbalism
Medical Herb Research
(University of CO)
Scientific/Technical Herbal Information
Medicinal Herbals
Blog of health articles and a list of supplements from A – Z
Favorite topics include Medicinal Mushrooms & Natural Probiotics
Medicine Hunter
(Amherst, MA)
Website of Chris Kilham, his travels, articles, books
National Herbalists Association of Australia
Trade association of medical herbalists, newsletter, program, seminars
National Institute of Medical Herbalists
(Exeter, UK)
Links, referrals herbalists, clinics, resources
Natural Cures Not Medicine
Natural Health & Medicine news
Natural Medicinal
Information on 4000+ herbs
Search by Latin or Common name
Natural Medicine NZ
New Zealand
Health-related information from the New Zealand Journal of Medicine
Articles, health-related links, newsletter, subscriptions
Natural Products Sourcebook
Information about various natural products.
Site of Dr. Thomas Lee, experienced and innovative naturopathic physician
Blog, vegetables, fruits, herbs. spices, oils, diets, nutrition
Non-commercial, science-based service provided by Michael Greger, M.D
Nutrition and health topics; making the correct dietary choices
Operative Alchemy
A lecture by Avery Hopkins of Kymia Arts
The basics of alchemical philosophy and applications, 3 hrs 16 min
Organic Facts
Provides info on (mostly organic) food, health, nutrition, and organic living
Passport to Prana
Passport entitles holder to one Yoga class at studios in participating cities
Patch Adams
Doctor, Clown, Performer, Social Activist.
Gesund Heist Institute, focusing on making people happy.
Positive Health
(Portsmouth, UK)
Complementary medicine, articles, links, research,
Purple Sage Medicinal Herbs
Herb profiles, recipes,treatments, links site is maintained by a Medicinal Herbalist
Raintree Nutrition
(Carson City, NV)
Focusing on Amazon rainforest botanicals, plant database
Ray Sahelian
(National USA)
Ray Sahelians MD Index of hundreds of health topics.
Health News & Info incl. “Grow it Yourself” & “Do it Yourself” categories
Redd Remedies Blog
Health and nutrition blog, health articles
Robert Redfern – Nutritionist & Author
Robyn’s Recommended Reading
(Bozeman, MT)
Science & lore of medicinal plants, great links, books, publications
Rosenthal Center
(NY, NY)
For complementary & alternative medicine
Monographs, journals, research projects, clinical studies, links, education
Russell Blaylock, MD
Neurosurgeon, Health Practitioner, Author, Lecturer
NewMax Health Blog
Sally Fallon & Mary Enig, Nourishing Traditions
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
(Bisbee, AZ)
Michael Moore’s herbal writings, journals, classic texts, images, resources
Spices and Medicinal Herbs
Herbs by common name, by classification, and by properties
Information includes plant & spice descriptions–
Spirit of Change Magazine
New England
Informative articles by professionals–health, personal growth, green living
New England’s largest, free holistic magazine published twice annually
Stearidonic acid: Sustainable Source of Omega-3 fatty acid
Scientific review of plant-based Stearidonic acid sources, applications, and future perspectives, Pub Med, May 2020
Sugar: The Bitter Truth
Dr. Robert Lustig explores the damage caused by sugary foods
YouTube video, 90 min
Dr. Lustig’s website:
The Cancer Control Society
Alternative Therapies & Nutrition for Cancer & other diseases (since 1973).
Non-toxic therapies, physicians, testimonies, radio & TV directory, more
The Healing Path
The Healing Path course by author of Medical Medium books, Anthony William
The Herbal Database
Listing of herbs, spices, medicinal plants and some clues to their uses
A 16-page dictionary includes a glossary of terms, index, and bibliography
The Herbal Highway
Enhances community knowledge of herbal medicine & alternative choices
The Institute for Functional Medicine
“Advancing the Highest Expression of Health”
Trains and educates health practitioners; Weekly newsletters
Tillotson Institute of Natural Health
The truth behind centuries of herbal medicine from around the world
Author of “The One Source Herbal Sourcebook” —
Total Health Magazine
(St. George, UT)
Network of nutraceutical info & consumer education resources
Ann Louise Gittleman –
Robert Grayhon –
Jacob Teitelbaum –
Hyla Cass –
Townsend Letter
(Port Townsend, WA)
Extensive articles, links, resources, conferences
Tropilab Inc
(St. Petersburg, FL)
Tropical botanicals & seeds, good information about the rainforest
Turmeric – The most important herb?
600 Reasons why Turmeric may be the most important herb
Published by GreenMedInfo.comAll Posts
The latest alternative herbal health news
Categories include Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, Medicinal Mushrooms
Uric Acid: A Key Cause of Weight Gain, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Dementia
Discussion w/ Dr. David Perlmutter & Levels Medical Advisor Casey Means
Levels YouTube channel, 78 minutes
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
(Washington, DC)
Huge plants database, including botanical information
Valley Health Mill herbs and supplements
Long list of herbs and information about them
Weston A. Price Foundation
Wise Traditions of Food, Farming and Healing Arts with videos and blogs.
Excellent writing on nutrition.
Whole Food Plant-Based Diet
Joe Bath, nutritional therapist blog
Wright Group
(Layfayette, LA)
Holistic health news stories, product information.
Yoga Journal
All about the world of yoga
Your Health Remedy
Informational blog on medicinal plants and nutrients, harmful compounds
Zach Bush, MD
Dr. Bush’s website
Knowledge Topics—Library of Insights (scroll down to view)
The Science and Spirituality of Human & Planetary Transformation podcast
Podcast Excerpt: Heal Faster Than You Injure
The Best Monologue Ever, video, 11 min
Eat Dirt & Thrive — presented by Perfect Earth Project
Unlock the Creative Light Force Within, video, 19 min