Link Categories

- Bio-Material & Composites (48)
- All Plant Fibers (30)
- Sustainable Living (5)
- Biofuels (37)
- Biodiesel / Vegetable Oil (12)
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‘Community Alliances’ Links:
(Palo Alto, CA)
Protect local environments, works with restoration & education
American Independent Business Alliance
(Bozeman, MT & national)
Articles, workshops, links, books, networks & resources,
Auroville Earth Institute
(Auroville, India)
The City the Earth Needs
Extensive model project w/ projects in building, energy, water & health
(San Francisco, CA)
Business Alliance for Local Living Economics
Baobab Trust
Mombasa, Kenya
Committed to conservation through developing sustainable ecosystems
Working with communities and the environment for a better tomorrow
Bay Area Green Business Program
(Greater SF Bay Area, CA)
Businesses to be proactive in helping themselves & communities
Beautiful Communities
(San Francisco, CA)
The Big One: Community convergence for change.
Biomimicry Innovation inspired by Nature
(Missoula, MT)
Biomimicry seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges by emulating nature’s patterns and strategies – Comprehensive catalog of nature’s solutions
Breakthrough solutions for people and planet; hub for innovators
Business for Social Responsibility
(SF, CA, Guangzhou, China, Paris, France)
Global partnerships for social responsibility, large coordinating project
California Forward
A Vision for California reform and innovation; a catalyst for a better California
California State Grange
Sacramento, California
Foundation to help advance the American dream. Program for propane discounts for members
Camp Hill Foundation.
(Pennsylvania, New York)
Working and learning community.
Center for Community Change
(Washington, DC & national)
Helping low-income people build effective organizations
Co-op America Business Network
(Washington, DC & international)
Economic Action for a Just Planet, Directory of Approved Green Businesses
Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund
Works w/ communities to protect health, safety, & welfare of it’s residents
Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County
(Soquel, CA)
Provides grants & reports, publishes environmental organization directory
Community Preservation & Development Corporation
Affordable housing preservation, programs, job training & education
Conversation Cafe
(coffeehouses & bookshops nationally)
Organized locally using a participatory formate to stimulate meaningful dialogue
Cultural Survival (Global Response)
(Boulder, CO & international)
Partnering with indigenous people to defend their lands, languages, and culture
E.F. Schumacher Society
(Great Barrington, MA, local to international)
Linking people, land, & community by building local economies
E: The Environmental Magazine
(Norwalk, CT)
“Clearinghouse” of info, news & resources about the environment
Earth Day Network and Earth Team
Building grassroots support for the environment
Environmental network for teens, teachers & youth leaders
Earth Day Resources for Living Green
(Boston, MA & international)
Helping people make informed choices which are simple, healthy & sustainable
(8 offices in U.S. -Washington, DC head office)
Non-profit public interest law firm
Protecting our rights to a healthy environment—
(Maryland, national)
Network of environmental & conservation groups, news, resources
ECO News
Newsletter of North Coast Environmental Center
Eco Trust
(Portland, OR)
N.W. Development projects, reliable prosperity, salmon nation.
Environmental portal & search engine Empowering sustainability
(San Luis Obispo, central coast CA)
Environmental news for San Luis Obispo – clean up, alerts & events
(Pittsburgh, PA & international)
Online environmental community organizations & volunteers worldwide
Provides comprehensive, up-to-date environmental news & info
Environmental Action
(Boston, MA)
Protecting the environment through focused activism
Environmental Education Council of Marin
(San Rafael, CA)
Over 130 organizations implementing sound ecological educational practices
Environmental Portal & Search Engine
Connecting people committed to creating a just, peaceful & sustainable world
Environmental Working Group
(Washington, DC, Oakland, CA)
Specializes in environmental investigations
Evergreen Cooperatives
Cleveland, OH
Transforming lives and neighborhood through community wealth-building
Creating living-wage jobs in low-income neighborhoods—
Fiji Institute of Sustainable Habitats
Providing real solutions to climate change while respecting Fijian culture
Provides housing alternatives, permaculture education, disaster relief
(Scotland & international)
Global ecovillage network, legendary community model worldwide
First Peoples Worldwide
Funds local development projects in indigenous communities worldwide
First Peoples Worldwide – Grants, projects, partnerships, outreach
Food in the Hood
Raises funds for global charities.
Food Not Bombs
Establishes relationships with providers to collect food to feed the hungry
Foundation for Conscious Evolution
(Santa Barbara, CA)
Barbara Marx Hubbard, Global Community for Conscious Evolution
Foundation for Sustainable Development
(SF, CA, international)
Worldwide grassroots development to better communities & the environment
Friendly Favors
Free site to network socially, exchange goods, and help others in need. – A web based community since 1999
Friends of the Urban Forest
(San Francisco, CA)
Tree planting, tree care, community involvement & youth education,
Global Green U.S.A.
(Green Cross affiliate int. & CA, LA, & Wash.DC)
Global value shift toward a sustainable & secure future, extensive
Global Greengrants
(Boulder, CO & international)
Public charity funded by foundations & individuals
Global Resource Alliance
Abundant living through sharing and cooperation
Dedicated to bringing hope, joy, & abundance to impoverished regions
Green Century Institute
(San Francisco, CA)
Eco-city called Califia, Green Community Network, sustainable development
Green Corps
(Boston, MA & Washington, DC)
Environmental campaigns, leadership training, partner organizations
Green Drinks International
(129 cities worldwide)
An informal, organic, self-organizing network of environmental activists
Green Marketing
Breakthrough concepts setting new standards
Greenaction For Health & Environmental Justice
(San Francisco, CA)
Mobilizes community power to change government & corporate policies
(Williamsburg, VA)
Connecting people with nonprofit information, large database of nonprofits
Habitat for Humanity
(Americus, GA & international)
Founded by Jimmy Carter. People work together, build houses, dreams, hope & lives
Habitat Gardens
Habitat Gardens and Eco Landscapes. Design, Maintenance, Installation.
Hazel Henderson
Author, evolutionary economist, Earth ethics
IC Magazine
A publication of the Center for World Indigenous Studies
Latest news, videos, trending topics, editorials, interviews, book reviews
Icon built the first permitted 3D building home in America
Institute for a Resource Based Economy
Living sustainably to ensure a healthy planet, classes, tool lending library
Intentional Communities
(Rutledge, MO & national)
A project of Fellowship for Intentional Community
(Atlanta, GA)
An example of a sustainable business, a leader in industrial ecology
International Society for Ecology and Culture
Promoting locally based alternatives to the global consumer culture
Local Clean Energy Alliance
SF Bay Area’s largest clean energy coalition working for a clean energy future
Marinaleda: Model Community
Marinaleda, Spain
Article about a utopian city with no police or unemployment
Matavenero Eco-Village
Léon, Spain
Metanoia: A New Vision of Nature
A film about life, evolution, and the intelligence of nature
Michigan Environmental Council
(Lansing, MI)
Promotes clean water & energy, biological diversity, health & open government
Millennium Development Goals
Blueprint for sustainable world development, agreed by all countries by 2015
All things about mothering
Musicians without Borders
Global network organization that uses music for peacebuilding, social change, to build connections, foster empathy, & shape communities
Natural Resources Defense Council
(NY, LA SF, & Washington, DC, national)
The Earth’s Best Defense Takes on environmental issues
Net Impact
(SF, CA, international in 75 cities & 80 graduate schools)
Network of new leaders who are changing the world through business
New Tithing Group
(San Francisco, CA)
Helping people make comfortably affordable charitable donations
New Village
(Oakland, CA)
Articles about community building & revitalization, economics, education
NextWorld TV Co-Housing videos
Videos on sustainable housing solutions courtesy of Next World TV
Northwest Earth Institute
(Portland, OR)
Supports individuals who seek to protect the Earth, popular discussion courses
Open Source Ecology
Creating an open-source economy through innovation & collaboration – sharing online designs for free
Orion Society
(Great Barrington, MA)
Publication regarding healing nature and community
Peace Education Program
The Prem Rawat Foundation – Peace education and humanitarian assistance
PeaceCast TV
PeaceCast – International volunteers who believe that peace is possible.
Festival, videos of music, dance, spoken word from around the world
Planet Drum Foundation
(SF, CA & Shasta bioregion)
Bioregional sustainability, education & culture
Political Resources on the Net
w/ links to parties, organizations, governments & media
Regen Villages
Building self-sustaining residential communities around the world
Videos & info on the first village being built in the Netherlands
Rocky Mountain Institute
(Snowmass, CO & national)
Entrepreneurial, group fosters efficient & restorative use of resources
SD Gateway
(Sustainable Development Gateway)
Worldwide directory, calendar, discussion, job bank, news
See Green Now
(Green Forum and Resources)
Provides workable environmental solutions for business
Seed Graduate Institute
(Albuquerque, NM & national)
Community development to bridge indigenous wisdom & modern life
Sharing Sustainable Solutions
Non-profit, non-commercial site to help individuals & communities move towards self-sustainability & self-reliance. Many links under basic categories.
Sierra Business Council
(Truckee, CA & the Sierra Nevadas)
Working to secure the social, natural & financial health of Sierra Nevadas
Sightline Institute
(Seattle, WA & Cascadia)
Northwest Environmental Watch
Solutions for a Sustainable Northwest
Advocates civic economy and creating wealth from within the community
Slow Democracy
A site dedicated to inclusive, citizen-powered local decision making
Helping citizens gain control over local resources and decisions —working together to honor the traditions of slow foods — “Bringing money back down to earth”
Smart Meme
(SF, CA & regional as well as local centers)
Non-profit of long term organizers, & visionaries building a sane & just world
Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
Creates strategic research programs to tackle sustainability challenges
Several projects include Global Freshwater Initiative & Natural Capital Project
Sustainability Institute
(Hartland, VT)
Analyzing complex social, economic & ecological systems
Sustainable Exchange
(Soquel, local Santa Cruz, CA model)
State of Mind & Way of Living Creates Prosperous Harmony in All Relationships
Sustainable Sonoma County
(Santa Rosa, CA & Sonoma County)
Connects & empowers people via projects, events, workshops & publications
Sustainable World Coalition
(San Francisco, CA)
Sourcebook, articles, education, calendar & resources
Tellus Institute
(Boston, MA)
For a great transition in values, actions and insight; Publications, broad thinking
The Center for Artistic Activism
Explores and strengthens connections between activism and artistic practice
Goal is to make more creative activists and more effective artists
The Center for Environment & Business
(Washington, DC & national)
Helping Green Businesses Grow, news, events, connections, green investment,
The Environment Directory
Enormous search engine for all environmental subjects
The Foundation of Sustainable Living
(FOSL) (Santa Cruz, CA)
Nonprofit, dedicated to build social structures, skillsets & technology
The Greening of Industry Network
(The Netherlands, Thailand, MA, international)
Research & policy for a sustainable future
The Hunger Project
Helps people address the root causes of hunger, far reaching projects
The National Environmental Directory
(Santa Cruz, CA)
More than 13,000 organizations concerned with environmental issues
The Natural Step
(Ottawa, Canada, SF, CA, & international)
Research, education & advisory organization to help w/sustainability
The Relocalization Network
(Vancouver, BC and many U.S. branches)
Supports Local Post Carbon Groups
The Utility Reform Network
(San Francisco, CA)
Grassroots, nonprofit, looking out for the public in energy & telecom matters
(SF, CA, Pittsburgh, PA, NY, NY, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Strengthening resources for change, create & sustain a healthy & just world
Transition US
Non-profit – building resilient communities
Truth Force
(Philippines, International)
Mobilizing Truth for Integral Sustainable Development.
Union of Concerned Scientists
(Cambridge, MA, Berkeley, CA, Washington, DC)
Citizens & scientists for environmental solutions
United Diversity
Info on Energy, Food, Housing & more to work for peace, justice, sustainability
Watershed Media
(Healdsburg, CA)
Communication resources for the transition to a sustainable society
Work Home & Abroad
Global Volunteers. Projects in various countries including many states in U.S.
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
(Switzerland / Washington, DC)
Global association of some 200 companies, articles, publications, studies
World Changing Another World Is Here
(Seattle, WA, international)
Tools, models & ideas for building a better future, putting the pieces together
World Watch Institute
(Washington, DC)
Independent research for an environmentally sustainable & socially just society