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‘Celebrations / Festivals’ Links:
A List Calendar
Premier events within our area – California and worldwide
Anon Salon
(San Francisco, CA; North Carolina, USA)
Incredible community calendar, photos, music, culture.
Arise Festival
Loveland, Colorado
One tree planted for every ticket sold; workshops, art galleries, activism
Beloved Festival
((Tidewater, Oregon)
Open air sacred art and music festival.
Berkeley World Music Festival
(Berkeley, Ca)
World music festival in Berkeley.
Bhakti Fest
(Joshua Tree, CA)
Workshops, yoga, Kirtan, music. Cultural Expression of the Divine Mother
Boom Festival
Festival in Portugal.
Dance and folk music from around the world.
Bottle Rock
Napa Valley
Three day music, food, wine, and brew festival
Star-studded music festival w/ top chefs, vintners, sommeliers
Burning Man
(Black Rock, NV)
Arts extravaganza in the desert. Now 60 regional Burning Man events worldwide.
Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music
(Aptos, CA)
The here and now of contemporary music for a world class orchestra
California Festivals and Events Calendar
List and calendar of events and festivals in California
Calendar and lists by type, date, and name on
California World Fest
(Grass Valley, CA)
8 stages of music & dance from around the world, workshops, camping
Cirque du Soleil
Award-winning entertainment company
Productions are a synthesis of circus styles from around the world
youtube video channel includes workouts with Cirque du Soleil artists
Da Vinci Days
(Corvallis, OR)
Kinetic sculpture races, festival. Years of innovation and creativity
EarthDance, A Prayer for Peace
(Laytonville, CA)
Uniting 250 locations in 50 countries via music & dance
Enchanted Forest Gathering
Laytonville, CA
Music, Yoga, Visionary Art, Workshops, Kid’s Area
Envision Festival
Costa Rica
Envision – annual gathering in Costa Rica
Cultural inspiration, spirituality, yoga, art, music, dance, workshops, camping
Lists worldwide events in an easy viewing format
Listed by type, location, month. Includes music, movies, comedy, nightlife
Faerieworlds Festival
(Eugene, OR)
A weekend of music, art & imagination; Celtic music
Fermentation Fest
Reedsburg, Wisconsin
Live culture convergence sponsored by the Wormfarm Institute
Authors, chefs, bakers, scientists, chocolatiers, cheesemakers, classes, tours
(Local and Worldwide)
Music (by genre), film, community, expos, fairs, etc.
Find Festival
Festival listings for festivals in all countries–huge listing of major events by location
Fringe Festivals
(Edinburgh, Santa Cruz, International)
Theater, dances, music, poetry, puppetry, unbelievable variety.
Santa Cruz Fringe Festival
List of U.S. Fringe Festivals
Edinburgh Fringe Festival – World’s largest
Glastonbury Abbey Musical Extravaganza
(Glastonbury, U.K.)
Music festival with big-name artists.
Grassroots Festival of Music & Dance
(Finger Lakes, New York)
Festival of music and dance in the Finger Lakes
Green Cities Expo
(SF, CA)
The creativity of SF and the environment comes together
Green Festivals
San Francisco, various cities
Important events on multitude of concepts
Guitarfish Music Festival
Cisco Grove, CA
Community arts and music festival in the Sierra Nevada mountains
Organized to promote awareness of water pollution and overfishing
Hardly Strictly Bluegrass
(SF, CA)
Free music in the park, with a great lineup on 5 stages, one of the best
Live Webcast for 2013 and previous years
High Sierra Music Festival
(Quincy, CA)
Various stages for major and smaller jam bands and acts.
Himalayan Fair
(Berkeley, CA)
Mountain cultures fair of the East–Tibet, India, 24th season, dance, music
Kate Wolf Memorial Music Festival
(Laytonville, CA)
Music festival inspired by Kate Wolf in a relaxing setting.
Leaf Festival
(Black Mountain by Ashville, N.C.)
Connecting cultures and creating community through music and art
Lightning In A Bottle
(Temecula, CA)
A celebration of Art, Entertainment, Integration, Theatrics, and Life itself.
MetroWize Festival Guide
Festival guide by destination, date, type of gathering; ticket giveaways– info, posters, updated throughout the year
Millpond Music Festival
Bishop, California
Music & Arts & Crafts, sponsored by Inyo Council for the Arts
September 16–18, 2016, Calendar for festival & other events
Mission Folk Music Festival
(Mission, BC)
World music festival overlooking the Frazier River
Music Festival Junkies
Worldwide musical festival maps, guides, news, photos – the scene, experience, music, reviews
Music in the Park and Subzero events.
(San Jose, CA)
Free concert series. Jazz and blues..
Mystic Garden Party
Music, visionary art, theme camps, workshops and yoga.
Northwest Folklife Festival
Seattle, WA
Celebrating arts and culture since 1972; thousands of participants
Sponsored by Northwest Folklife nonprofit arts & cultural organization
Oregon Country Fair
(Veneta, OR)
Create experiences to nourish the Spirit & transform culture
Outside Lands Festival
(San Francisco, Ca)
Variety of musical stages in San Francisco.
Peace Village Festival
(Jackson Wellsprings, Ashland, Oregon)
Music, Speakers, Workshops, Yoga, Kid Village, Hot Springs
Kirtan, Yoga, Workshops, Hot Springs
Phases of the Moon Festival
Kennekuk County Park, Danville, Ilinois
Four day music festival w/ four stages. Art displays & free camping.
Rainbow Family Gathering
National Park gathering of largest non-organization of non-members in the world
Redwood Mountain Faire
Felton, California
Music, arts and crafts, wine and micro-brews in the Santa Cruz Mountains
Santa Cruz Mountains Sol Festival
First Annual at Roaring Camp, Felton on Aug 9-10
Reggae in the Hills
(Angelscamp, Calaveras County, CA)
Big area, high vibrational festival packed with music, art, and illumination.
Reggae on the River
(Piercy, CA)
Reggae music concert on the river and music portal.
Rejuvenation Festivals
(Santa Cruz, CA)
Eco-fair, concert series, art festival.
Santa Cruz Blues Festival
Aptos, Ca
Strong lineup of blues artist notables sponsored by KUSP radio.
Strawberry Music Festival
(Yosemite, CA)
Bluegrass and other music; 2 shows beginning and end of summer.
Sunrise Festivals
(Somerset, England)
Sunrise Celebration. Festival of organic arts, music, ecology, and culture.
Symbiosis Gathering
(Yosemite, CA)
Learning through workshops, performance, art, music and culture.
The Bounce Festival
(Twain, California)
Feather River, Premiere Electronic and Live Music, Progressive Art, High End Production
The Whole Being Festival
(Idyllwild, California, USA)
A yearly, September, three-day spiritual retreat
Unify Fest
Galisteo, New Mexico
Yoga, Healing, Music, and Wisdom Festival
Unify Fest is dedicated to creating a better world for all living beings
Vancouver Folk Music Festival
(Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Day and evening concerts in Jericho Beach Park.
Wanderlust Festival
(San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, various locations worldwide)
Yoga and yoga retreats, music, hiking, wine-tasting, fresh food, and more.
Water Woman Festival
(Joshua Tree, CA)
The fusion of art and ecological design. Be showered with possibilities.
West Coast Fest
Good all-around site calendar
West End Celebration
Sand City, CA
Over 100 artists & artisans; continuous live music, Beer, Wine, Eats – late August, the streets of Sand City
Whole Earth Festival
(Davis, CA)
Eco-arts festival of right livlihood with music and speakers
Wild Heart Gathering
(Lewes,United Kingdom)
Workshops on yoga, martial arts, meditation, divine singing
World Festival of Sacred Music
(U.C.L.A. Los Angeles, CA)
High aspirations bringing people together worldwide.